Hi Darryl, Dr Peter Nathan utilises PRP therapy or Platelet Rich Plasma therapy and if deemed an appropriate treatment after an initial assessment the cost will be $400 with your Medicare rebate applicable at the time. To book an appointment please phone 08 9438 2400. Thanks for your inquiry and please check out the informative…
Do I need a referral?
A medical referral is not required to see any of the Sportreat practitioners unless you are making a claim under Workers Compensation, Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance, Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) or Veterans Affairs. Private Health Insurance companies do not require a medical referral for physiotherapy, massage therapy, dietetics and exercise physiology. You also do not…
Can I make a claim with Medicare for my treatment?
Consultations with the Sportreat doctor/s are claimable under the Medicare system. You cannot make a claim under Medicare for services provided by any of the other Sportreat practitioners, unless you have been referred under an Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan by your General Practitioner.
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