Your Health Matters

Dr Kanita Kunaratnam

Senior Dietitian


Kanita is an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) with the Dietitians Association of Australia and has 20 years of experience working across the healthcare sector.
  • She has worked extensively in the medical and nutrition fields, both in Singapore and Australia, across various settings including hospitals, out-patient clinics, public health, community health, private practice, and academia.
  • Kanita's PhD studies focused on maternal and child nutrition practices and impacts on overall health and wellbeing and is particularly interested in the parent/child food relationship and the intersection between the two.
  • Her expertise led her to co-write the Chapter Nutrition During Infancy and Childhood in Food, Nutrition and Health (Oxford University Press,) a core text for nutrition undergraduate students.
  • Kanita's career highlights include: - Working as a senior research dietitian/fellow at the Telethon Kids institute, - Teaching nutrition to undergraduates and future dietitians from the University of WollongongUniversity of Sydney and Edith Cowan University.
  • She also engages in health professional/workplace trainings; providing practical nutrition talks to GPs and other medical professionals e.g. nurses and allied health, schools and workplaces.
Kanita's practice is non-diet, trauma informed, weight neutral (prioritising your health, not your weight) and Neuro-diversity affirming, embracing culturally valid and compassionate care pathways.

Special Interests

  • Child and maternal health and dietetics
  • Eating disorders
  • Paediatric dietetics
  • Sports dietetics
  • Non-diet approach

Professional Associations

  • Registered Dietitian - Dietitians Australia (DA.)
  • DA mentor to provisional dietitians.
  • Member of the Australian New Zealand Academy of Eating Disorders (ANZAED.)
  • Trauma-informed Dietitian
  • Eating Disorder Credentialled (ANZAED.)


  • Doctor of Philosophy in Maternal and Child Nutrition (PhD) - The University of Sydney.
  • Master of Nutrition and Dietetics (MNutrDiet) - The Flinders University of South Australia.
  • Bachelor of Science - Singapore.
  • Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD), registered with Dietitians Australia (DA) and Medicare.


  • SOS approach to feeding (treating children with feeding difficulties)
  • Trauma Informed Care
  • HAES training
  • Ellyn Slater’s Intuitive Eating Practices/ Division of Responsibility
  • Monash University - Low FODMAP Diets
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